Island View Kombi


Island View is a vision of a world that can be truly circular - a lifestyle where we eliminate waste and maximize the continued use of materials. This idea started when two partners wanted to share their learnings and experiences on a modern sustainable life.

Meet this 1971 Volkswagen Type 2, affectionately known as Yvon. Yvon represents freedom, creativity, and care. Our team decided to restore Yvon into a livable camper that champions circular and sustainable living.

The camper encourages a minimalist lifestyle, emphasizing experiences over material possessions, promoting a more sustainable way of living on the road.

Through careful restoration and design, we have repurposed materials, minimized waste, and maximized efficiency. Yvon features energy-efficient appliances such as USB-powered electric fans and multi-colored solar-charged LED lights.

By choosing to restore and repurpose rather than discard and replace, Yvon demonstrates a circular economy approach, inspiring others to rethink their consumption habits and embrace more sustainable lifestyles.

Follow Yvon on Instagram @islandview.kombi